Two wheels, three years and countless forks in the road
David Lang's underwater robot came to life with your curiosity

Manage the collaborative process to create audience engagement

The Eloqua Experience 2013 conference in San Francisco was outstanding and a recent host to thousands of creators from many industries. Vince Gilligan, the creative genius behind the Breaking Bad TV series, was the headline speaker.

Andrea Ward and Vince Gilligan covered a lot of ground during their hour-long conversation to share and discuss key ingredients of the show’s success. There are many takeaways from their onstage conversation and here are five highlighted in John Foley’s Forbes article:

  • Embrace unconventional thinking
  • Never underestimate your audience
  • Master the art of storytelling
  • Incorporate eye-popping visuals
  • Make customer-obsession a team sport

Creating high value content and experiences in today’s modern marketing environment is essential. Why? Because target audiences expect this and your competitors are investing in this strategy.

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