Since the internet became mainstream, much of the world’s technology innovations across industries have been geared toward improving experiences and outcomes for buyers and the businesses that serve them. Learn about category creation for experience and growth strategies that create value. Read more →
Every company, from a startup to Fortune 100, is in the customer experience business. Raghu Murthy, founder and CEO of Datacoral, and Erick Mott discuss how data innovation is driving customer experience. Read more →
Workers who want to succeed and be more sustainable in the Fourth Industrial Revolution will need to be creative, critical thinkers who can solve complex problems and possess high emotional intelligence, according to the World Economic Forum's new report, The Future of Jobs. These Top 10 Skills Will be Critical in the 2020 Global Economy Complex problem solving (1) Critical... Read more →
As the business world and billions of people continue their digital transformations, we as a creative community across industries also need transformational changes in digital business development and iteration. A new category of focused, information-rich products known as data products break free from prior business intelligence models by integrating and packaging analytic information and outcomes into unique products and customer experiences. Read more →
Creativity is one of the most important job skills a worker will need in the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will be driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Two other key skills – critical thinking and complex problem solving – are components of creativity. Read more to see why creativity ranks so high going forward. Read more →
Creatorbase is all about applying and encouraging creativity. We call active community members ‘co-creators’ because, in my humble opinion, all of us are creators in our own ways whether by ourselves or with others. David Kelley of IDEO has devoted his life and work to unlocking people's innate creativity. He outlines his philosophy in a landmark TED Talk and I've provided highlights for a quick read. Read more →